Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule
Examination of Great Yarmouth Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule
The emerging Great Yarmouth Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for independent examination on 24 February 2025 in accordance with Part 11, section 212 of the Planning Act 2008 (as amended) and Regulation 19 of The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) (referred to below as the 'CIL Regulations').
CIL is a '£ per sqm' charge on new development to fund infrastructure needed to support growth of housing, employment, leisure and transport identified in the local plan. The draft charging schedule is supported by evidence including a viability assessment and infrastructure needs study.
The draft charging schedule was published under Regulation 16 between 6 December 2024 and 31 January 2025. Following consideration of representations (comments) that were made at publication stage, the draft charging schedule has been modified and submitted for examination. As required by Part 19 (1(b)) of the CIL Regulations, the Council has produced a Statement of Representation and Statement of Modifications which sets out the responses received to the consultation, along with the Council's responses.
All examination documentation can be found in the CIL Examination Library and the latest news associated with the examination is detailed below.
An independent inspector will be appointed as 'Examiner' by the Planning Inspectorate to examine the CIL Draft Charging Schedule. Contact with the Examiner will be provided via the Programme Officer.
Programme Officer
Mrs Annette Feeney has been appointed as 'Programme Officer' for the examination of the Great Yarmouth CIL Draft Charging Schedule. The programme officer provides the main link between the Examiner, Borough Council and participants. The main roles of the programme officer are to organise and administer the examination, including organisation of the public hearing sessions and dealing with all procedural matters. The programme officer is independent from the Borough Council and reports directly to the appointed examination inspector.
Programme Officer contact details:
Name: Mrs Annette Feeney
Post: c/o Strategic Planning, Great Yarmouth Borough Council, Town Hall, Hall Plain, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2QF
Examination Key Stages & Timeline
The following timeline sets out the key stages of the examination processes and these will be updated through the course of the examination.
- CIL draft charging schedule submission
- Inspector appointment - Awaiting
- Initial paper identifying main issues - Awaiting
- Hearings timetable and participants - Awaiting
Latest News
Follow the Latest News associated with the CIL Draft Charging Schedule examination here as the examination progresses. All the examination documentation can be found in the CIL Examination Library, which will also be updated throughout the course of the examination.
Latest News
24 February 2025 - Submission of CIL Draft Charging Schedule
On 24 February 2025, the Council submitted the CIL Draft Charging Schedule to the Planning Inspectorate to be independently examined. The submission documents are available to view in Section A of the CIL Examination Library.
Further information
What is Community Infrastructure Levy?
The Community Infrastructure Levy (the 'levy') is a charge which can be levied by local authorities on new development in their area. It is an important tool for local authorities to use to help them deliver the infrastructure needed to support development in their area.
Most new development which creates net additional floor space of 100 square metres or more, or creates a new dwelling, is potentially liable for the levy. Some developments may be eligible for relief or exemption from the levy.
The charging authority sets out its levy rates in a charging schedule. The charging authority should specify in their charging schedule what types of development are liable for the levy and the relevant rates for these development types. Levy rates are expressed as pounds (£) per square metre.
How does the charging schedule set rates?
When deciding the levy rates, an authority must strike an appropriate balance between additional investment to support development and the potential effect on the viability of developments. It is therefore important that the draft charging schedule is appropriately evidenced and subject to consultation.
How is Great Yarmouth's CIL Draft Charging Schedule evidenced?
The draft charging schedule is supported by evidence including a consultation statement, statement of legal compliance, statement of modifications, viability assessment and infrastructure needs study. The evidence can be viewed on the Council's website at the CIL Examination Library, or inspected in person at the Town Hall or local libraries as set out in the Statement of Fact (PDF, 149 KB).
The draft charging schedule was consulted on its basic assumptions as part of a preliminary consultation between 13 March and 8 May 2024, alongside the first draft consultation of the emerging local plan. The draft charging schedule was then published and consulted on again between 6 December 2024 and 31 January 2025.
How does this relate to the Local Plan?
The Council's new Local Plan sets out the Borough's development to 2041 and the level of infrastructure that is required to support such growth. The CIL rate has been calculated to maximise the amount of infrastructure funding that can be viably achieved. The new Local Plan is being examined at the same time as the draft charging schedule.